Hello my dear readers!
I have a new outfit post ready for you so go check it out on my
new domain -> http://lartoffashion.com and please do bookmark
it or follow me on Google + / Bloglovin to stay up to date with all
of my new posts, since this Blogger version will no longer be updated
and the comments section is closed too.

Monday, March 30, 2015
Friday, March 27, 2015
Hello dear readers!
Don't forget to check out my new blog/ outfit post over on my
new blog domain -> HERE!!!!
Also, remember to bookmark/ follow my new site since this blogger
version will no longer be in use and will be closed for commenting too.
See you on the "other side"! :)
Don't forget to check out my new blog/ outfit post over on my
new blog domain -> HERE!!!!
Also, remember to bookmark/ follow my new site since this blogger
version will no longer be in use and will be closed for commenting too.
See you on the "other side"! :)
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
New outfit post!
There's a new outfit post waiting for you over at my
new blog domain www.lartoffashion.com so make sure
to check it out and follow me over there for "in time" updates!
Have a great day everyone!
new blog domain www.lartoffashion.com so make sure
to check it out and follow me over there for "in time" updates!
Have a great day everyone!
Monday, March 23, 2015
New domain and design!
Just a quick note to let everybody who follows me here via Blogger
that I have moved my blog to HTTP://WWW.LARTOFFASHION.COM
and that I'd like you to follow me there from now on.
It's such a great transfer for me and for the future of my blog!
Come on over and (hopefully) get inspired!
Much love to all of you!
that I have moved my blog to HTTP://WWW.LARTOFFASHION.COM
and that I'd like you to follow me there from now on.
It's such a great transfer for me and for the future of my blog!
Come on over and (hopefully) get inspired!
Much love to all of you!
Friday, March 20, 2015
New beginning
There're some nice news that I have to share with
all of you. I'd say that this is a sweet beginning of the
weekend for me since this will be the LAST post done
in this blogger version and on this "address".
The moment that I've been waiting for and looking forward
to for so long is finally here and I can tell you that as of next
week, you'll be enjoying my blog in a whole new way!
I'm switching to Wordpress, I'll have my own domain AND
a whole new blog design will be revealed! :)
Who's excited for this??
I'd like to point out that the comment section will be closed for
couple of days, I'd say until Monday and then, once I post
a new blog post, you'll be able to comment like usual,
but it will be a whole new level of commenting. :D
Anyway, the blog will stay the same, but still everything will
be new! As soon as I settle down a little bit more in my new
apartment, I'll bring a whole new concept of posting, but
about that, a little bit later on.
For now, follow me on INSTAGRAM for a dose of photos from
my daily life. ;)
Have a great weekend sweethearts!
Kisses from sunny LA!
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
Outfit post - Pink dot
Hello my dear readers for the first time
from my LA home!! I'm so excited!!! Finally we have moved
in this morning and even though there's pretty much no any
furniture in our apartment, I'm so happy to finally be out of the
hotel room, done with the apartment search and tons of crazy paperwork.
Finally I'm sitting in a place that I'll call home for the next year.
Let's see what happens in a year, most possibly we'll look for a much
bigger place, but right now, I'm so happy to start decorating this little
piece of heaven.
Having a pool and gym as one of the in-building amenities brings even
bigger smile on my face. :)
Next couple of days will be all about unpacking, organising, shopping
and assembling furniture, etc.
Everything is in a big mess right now but slowly, we'll get to make
this space comfortable to live in.
I will post a decor post once everything is up and ready to be presented.
Until then, check my Instagram for small previews which I'll be posting
here and there.
As for this outfit, it was shot right next to a funny shop called Pink dot
on Sunset Boulevard. Almost everything is new, blouse - fell in love with
it immediately, denim dress - same as blouse, bracelet - same as blouse,
espadrilles - same as blouse. :D
How do you like this combo? I felt really comfy and stylish in it.
I'll def. re-wear this outfit sometime again.
Have a great Wednesday everybody, I hope that it will be a nice
and positive one for you. What you give out is what you get back
and it applies to everything in life, so start your Wednesday on a positive
note folks!
I'm wearing: Espadrilles - Chanel, Blouse - Free People, Dress - Zara,
Sunnies, earrings and bracelet - HOH1960, Bag - Celine
from my LA home!! I'm so excited!!! Finally we have moved
in this morning and even though there's pretty much no any
furniture in our apartment, I'm so happy to finally be out of the
hotel room, done with the apartment search and tons of crazy paperwork.
Finally I'm sitting in a place that I'll call home for the next year.
Let's see what happens in a year, most possibly we'll look for a much
bigger place, but right now, I'm so happy to start decorating this little
piece of heaven.
Having a pool and gym as one of the in-building amenities brings even
bigger smile on my face. :)
Next couple of days will be all about unpacking, organising, shopping
and assembling furniture, etc.
Everything is in a big mess right now but slowly, we'll get to make
this space comfortable to live in.
I will post a decor post once everything is up and ready to be presented.
Until then, check my Instagram for small previews which I'll be posting
here and there.
As for this outfit, it was shot right next to a funny shop called Pink dot
on Sunset Boulevard. Almost everything is new, blouse - fell in love with
it immediately, denim dress - same as blouse, bracelet - same as blouse,
espadrilles - same as blouse. :D
How do you like this combo? I felt really comfy and stylish in it.
I'll def. re-wear this outfit sometime again.
Have a great Wednesday everybody, I hope that it will be a nice
and positive one for you. What you give out is what you get back
and it applies to everything in life, so start your Wednesday on a positive
note folks!
I'm wearing: Espadrilles - Chanel, Blouse - Free People, Dress - Zara,
Sunnies, earrings and bracelet - HOH1960, Bag - Celine
Monday, March 16, 2015
Outfit post - Chloe sunglasses
Well, hello, hello!
After couple days of break from blogging, I'm
now back and hopefully will be able to give much more of
my time and work to this lovely blog which I've been so
dedicated to for years.
Last couple of days were insane, but it was worth it because
I can finally, proudly say that WE GOT THE apartment and
we're moving in tomorrow!! I'm so excited!
Let me see... Since that last post, yea, we have decided to pass
on that apartment and we went for a different one which "popped"
out in the very last moment and it was so much better than the one
which we thought we'll go with in the first place.
Sometimes it really pays off to check around, wait and think on the
subject before making any decisions...
This place is amazing and I'm sure that we'll love to live there.
Now the "fun" part continues - shopping for the furniture and every
possible little thing that you need for one household to function.
Past week wasn't all about stress only, we did managed to have
some fun too.
We've been to Wax and Guiness world museums, we saw Cinderella
movie at an amazing El Capitan theatre, we've been to many amazing
restaurants all over the city and finally, we've spent some time with
friends that were visiting LA.
One of the fun things we got to do was shopping and it's absolutely
amazing in this city. I couldn't resist a new pair of shades, so I got these
round, retro ones from Chloe's store on Merlose Avenue and I'm
LOVING them!! How do you like them? :)
Have a great new week folks and stay tuned for so much more in
the following posts!
P.S. The launching of the new blog design is almost here!!! YAAAAY!!!
I'm wearing: Shoes - Birkenstock, Skirt - Zara, Tee - Kenzo,
Earrings - Deni design, Bag - Stella McCartney, Sunnies - Chloe,
Bracelet - Balenciaga
Thursday, March 12, 2015
Outfit post - La Cienega
Woah! The time surely does fly like crazy!
It's been already a week since I've arrived to LA!
Can you believe it? It's crazy!
I've been constantly on the go and searching for an
apartment did seem like an easy task, but it really isn't.
We almost got "screwed" over twice and luckily I was smart
enough to do the background check on the real estate agencies
that we've been dealing with to find out that they were both "shady"
We have hopefully found a good agency and an apartment, but because
of some additional paperwork, we have to still wait for couple of days
to know if we're getting this place.
I'm keeping my fingers crossed that we are because I'm so tired of the
hotel room "life" and living out of our suitcases.
All of my stuff is divided between 6 bags and I can never find anything.
I did managed to pull out couple of items to create a nice enough
outfit to present you in this post.
The weather has been amazing here and I've been loving every single
moment of it. I have already forgot how it feels like to be freezing and
wearing heavy winter boots every single day.
We've been already to Madame Tussaud's museum and Ripley's Believe
it or not, so tomorrow we'll be visiting Wax and Guiness museums.
Friday is reserved for Cinderella movie and I can't wait to do all of this,
I'm def. in need of some entertainment that will help me "cool" my head
a little bit and not stress so much about this big move.
How are you doing my dear readers?
I hope that the sun is shining where you are as well. :)
I'm wearing: Skirt - Zara, Top - Fillipa K., Bag - Balenciaga,
Bracelet - HOH1960, Earrings & sunglasses - Chanel, Jacket - Zara,
Shoes - Vagabond
Monday, March 9, 2015
Outfit post - AltaLoma
Hello my dear readers!
How are you? How was your weekend?
Mine was insane... I barely even know that it's weekend.
The jet lag is still on, full time, but I did managed to get some
sleep and am doing better in being more "organised" and I do
function better during the daytime, but oh man... Whoever "invented"
jet lag, totally took a fun out of flying and traveling far.
I'm writing you now from the bed, ready to go to sleep since I'm totally
pooped out as I've been walking for hours around the West Hollywood
and was checking out the neighbourhood as this is the area that we'd
like to rent an apartment in.
It's so, SO pretty, very artsy and what is the most important to us, very
safe area.
We'll continue our apartment hunt tomorrow, so far we didn't had much
luck with finding the right home for us, but I'm sure that we'll find one
this week, I can just feel it. :)
Coming to LA and starting a whole new life was one of the best decisions
I have ever done in my life.
I've been loving every single moment over here and have finally, for the
first time in forever found myself just smiling about the smallest things
such as the sun shining or little puppy passing by.
I can't wait to settle down in our own place because then I will feel even
more at home.
Here's another outfit from this amazing city of Angels! I hope that you
will like it. :)
I'm wearing: Sandals - Vagabond, Pants - Isabel Marant, Top - Acne,
Earrings - Deni design, Bracelet - Givenchy, Bag - Chanel
How are you? How was your weekend?
Mine was insane... I barely even know that it's weekend.
The jet lag is still on, full time, but I did managed to get some
sleep and am doing better in being more "organised" and I do
function better during the daytime, but oh man... Whoever "invented"
jet lag, totally took a fun out of flying and traveling far.
I'm writing you now from the bed, ready to go to sleep since I'm totally
pooped out as I've been walking for hours around the West Hollywood
and was checking out the neighbourhood as this is the area that we'd
like to rent an apartment in.
It's so, SO pretty, very artsy and what is the most important to us, very
safe area.
We'll continue our apartment hunt tomorrow, so far we didn't had much
luck with finding the right home for us, but I'm sure that we'll find one
this week, I can just feel it. :)
Coming to LA and starting a whole new life was one of the best decisions
I have ever done in my life.
I've been loving every single moment over here and have finally, for the
first time in forever found myself just smiling about the smallest things
such as the sun shining or little puppy passing by.
I can't wait to settle down in our own place because then I will feel even
more at home.
Here's another outfit from this amazing city of Angels! I hope that you
will like it. :)
I'm wearing: Sandals - Vagabond, Pants - Isabel Marant, Top - Acne,
Earrings - Deni design, Bracelet - Givenchy, Bag - Chanel
Thursday, March 5, 2015
Outfit post - Los Angeles
Good morning dear readers and good middle
of the night to the LA people. Yep! I have safely landed
in LA two days ago and am going through the torture of the
jet lag. :(
I hope that my melatonin pills will kick in soon and that I'll
get couple of more hours of sleep. I feel as if I haven't slept in
forever and my body feels completely de-attached from my mind.
It's as if they are not part of the same "machine".
You should see me how I start to look like and talk nonsense once
the day starts to get closer to it's end, like evening time... Oh my,
I should start video recording myself. :D
I'm right now in the middle of finding a place for rent and today
I'll be checking out couple of spots so let's see how they look like
and if the deals are good + if I'll be a good enough/ meet the requirements
of the landlord/ realtor agent.
Keep your fingers crossed for me!
One good thing is that even though the jet lag is a bitch, we've still
managed to take a stroll around the West Hollywood area and check
out some hot - spots, like the Hollywood Walk of fame.
The weather has been lovely and I can't complain, so here's a new outfit
post for you, completely different from the previous outfit post! :D
Have a great day everyone, I'm going to try to get some more sleep.
I'm wearing: Tee - Carven, Bag & bracelet - Balenciaga, Ring - COS,
Shoes - Pour La Victorie, Coat - Muotikuu, Sunnies - Celine,
Jeans - Tiger of Sweden
of the night to the LA people. Yep! I have safely landed
in LA two days ago and am going through the torture of the
jet lag. :(
I hope that my melatonin pills will kick in soon and that I'll
get couple of more hours of sleep. I feel as if I haven't slept in
forever and my body feels completely de-attached from my mind.
It's as if they are not part of the same "machine".
You should see me how I start to look like and talk nonsense once
the day starts to get closer to it's end, like evening time... Oh my,
I should start video recording myself. :D
I'm right now in the middle of finding a place for rent and today
I'll be checking out couple of spots so let's see how they look like
and if the deals are good + if I'll be a good enough/ meet the requirements
of the landlord/ realtor agent.
Keep your fingers crossed for me!
One good thing is that even though the jet lag is a bitch, we've still
managed to take a stroll around the West Hollywood area and check
out some hot - spots, like the Hollywood Walk of fame.
The weather has been lovely and I can't complain, so here's a new outfit
post for you, completely different from the previous outfit post! :D
Have a great day everyone, I'm going to try to get some more sleep.
I'm wearing: Tee - Carven, Bag & bracelet - Balenciaga, Ring - COS,
Shoes - Pour La Victorie, Coat - Muotikuu, Sunnies - Celine,
Jeans - Tiger of Sweden
Tuesday, March 3, 2015
Life lately via Instagram
Good early morning everybody!
I'm writing this post from the Helsinki-Vantaa airport
prior to boarding on a plane to Frankfurt and then another
one to LAX. Can't wait to hop on both of these flights!
I guess I'm one of very few people who are this excited to
spend about 15 hours "in the air". :D
Anyway, next time you get to read a new post, it will be one
from LA, so I thought that it would be only appropriate to finish
the "Helsinki chapter" with a recap of the past two weeks.
Every single day in the past two weeks was a crazy one, from
trying to meet with as many friends as possible to taking care of
all of the documentation, packing, cleaning, donating, moving and
trying to "shove" in all of the most important belongings inside
5 travel bags, was quite challenging and at times nerve wrecking,
but we did it! Yaaay! :) :)
Here's to the new beginnings!
Au revoir Europe, for now...
I'm writing this post from the Helsinki-Vantaa airport
prior to boarding on a plane to Frankfurt and then another
one to LAX. Can't wait to hop on both of these flights!
I guess I'm one of very few people who are this excited to
spend about 15 hours "in the air". :D
Anyway, next time you get to read a new post, it will be one
from LA, so I thought that it would be only appropriate to finish
the "Helsinki chapter" with a recap of the past two weeks.
Every single day in the past two weeks was a crazy one, from
trying to meet with as many friends as possible to taking care of
all of the documentation, packing, cleaning, donating, moving and
trying to "shove" in all of the most important belongings inside
5 travel bags, was quite challenging and at times nerve wrecking,
but we did it! Yaaay! :) :)
Here's to the new beginnings!
Au revoir Europe, for now...
Monday, March 2, 2015
Retrospective - 7
Seven... Who would knew that number seven was ever going
to be of significance in my life!?
I have never been a kind of person that had a favourite number or a
favourite day, date, you name it.
They were just that, numbers and days. Sometimes I'd count days
until a certain event or similar, sometimes I'd loose the count and just
"flow" through the days... Sometimes, I'd pay attention to the important
dates like birthdays of people that I love and similar, but in general, I
couldn't care less about the numbers, about days, weeks, months, years...
Up until this morning!
This morning I woke up realising that it's been 7 full years of me living in
Helsinki, Finland.
I have lived through seven most toughest years of my life. Seven years that
have thought me a lot, seven years that took away a lot from me, seven years
that gave me a lot.
Seven years that have thought me many valuable lessons that I never even knew
I had to learn.
In the past 7 years I have completely "lost" myself just to be reborn and find
a whole new ME... Me, that I could never even imagine could exist.
I remember myself seven years ago coming to Helsinki with only one suitcase
and handbag. That was it, all of my "important" possessions were packed in these
two, squared "spaces" but the biggest possession was packed in my heart. Love for
a certain man and an excitement over starting a fresh chapter in my life in a
new and such an intriguing place like Finland.
From then, when I was only 20 years old to this date, I got married, I had a child,
I have found my purpose in life ( personally and professionally ), I have loved
madly, I have been hurt deeply, I have gone through all the circles of hell, just to
rise up again and find a fighter in me, to find a person in me that loves her light as
much as her darkness... The fighter that now knows how to dream but not get her
wings broken... I have learned how to let go and how to hold on tighter to the things
that I stand for and people I believe in.
I have learned how to forgive and love just a little bit more than what I thought was
I have learned that I'm much greater and lovable person, I have learned to appreciate
moments and dear people because one moment they're here and the next... you never
know if you'll catch a glimpse of them again...
To not make this story too long... In retrospective, Finland thought me a LOT and
gave me something that money can't buy, it has prepared me for a whole new chapter
in my life that will start tomorrow, on my flight to Los Angeles.
I'm starting a new era and I can't wait to see where that'll bring me and how my art
AND blog will continue to develop from here - on.
I'm just so excited to share everything with you dear people, because what's a life
worth living if you don't live to inspire everybody with the gifts that you've been given
and with the stories that you've collected throughout your journey?
Thank you everybody, family, friends and you dear people for the past chapter, it's
start to take on a whole new one! :)
to be of significance in my life!?
I have never been a kind of person that had a favourite number or a
favourite day, date, you name it.
They were just that, numbers and days. Sometimes I'd count days
until a certain event or similar, sometimes I'd loose the count and just
"flow" through the days... Sometimes, I'd pay attention to the important
dates like birthdays of people that I love and similar, but in general, I
couldn't care less about the numbers, about days, weeks, months, years...
Up until this morning!
This morning I woke up realising that it's been 7 full years of me living in
Helsinki, Finland.
I have lived through seven most toughest years of my life. Seven years that
have thought me a lot, seven years that took away a lot from me, seven years
that gave me a lot.
Seven years that have thought me many valuable lessons that I never even knew
I had to learn.
In the past 7 years I have completely "lost" myself just to be reborn and find
a whole new ME... Me, that I could never even imagine could exist.
I remember myself seven years ago coming to Helsinki with only one suitcase
and handbag. That was it, all of my "important" possessions were packed in these
two, squared "spaces" but the biggest possession was packed in my heart. Love for
a certain man and an excitement over starting a fresh chapter in my life in a
new and such an intriguing place like Finland.
From then, when I was only 20 years old to this date, I got married, I had a child,
I have found my purpose in life ( personally and professionally ), I have loved
madly, I have been hurt deeply, I have gone through all the circles of hell, just to
rise up again and find a fighter in me, to find a person in me that loves her light as
much as her darkness... The fighter that now knows how to dream but not get her
wings broken... I have learned how to let go and how to hold on tighter to the things
that I stand for and people I believe in.
I have learned how to forgive and love just a little bit more than what I thought was
I have learned that I'm much greater and lovable person, I have learned to appreciate
moments and dear people because one moment they're here and the next... you never
know if you'll catch a glimpse of them again...
To not make this story too long... In retrospective, Finland thought me a LOT and
gave me something that money can't buy, it has prepared me for a whole new chapter
in my life that will start tomorrow, on my flight to Los Angeles.
I'm starting a new era and I can't wait to see where that'll bring me and how my art
AND blog will continue to develop from here - on.
I'm just so excited to share everything with you dear people, because what's a life
worth living if you don't live to inspire everybody with the gifts that you've been given
and with the stories that you've collected throughout your journey?
Thank you everybody, family, friends and you dear people for the past chapter, it's
start to take on a whole new one! :)
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